What Do You Bring to the Table?

Photo credit: jenny downing

I love gathering around the table for meals. Whether it is a special occasion such as Thanksgiving, a dinner party with good friends, Sunday night family suppers or lunch with a friend…. I love the idea of “lunching” and “dinnering” for the sake of sharing a meal and having great conversation.

Communing starts with eating, drinking, telling stories, and then moves to sharing a part of ourselves and learning more about each other. It goes beyond just lunch or dinner…


Photo credit: Tess Thompson “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” – Melody Beattie I am grateful for loving […]

Manners Matter

Photo credit: Thanh My & Yves-Noël-Marie GONNET-NGUYEN

Are you minding your manners? Are you saying “please” and “thank you;” sending hand-written thank you notes when people do something gracious for you; and being nice to the people around you? Are you being honorable, staying in integrity and being true to your word? I hope so because it seems to me that many people have either lost the art of etiquette, or were never taught it in the first place.

Make Space

Photo credit: simmonsalexender

In thinking about space, my first thought was to write about cleaning out the clutter in your physical spaces; getting rid of the things and stuff that no longer work in order to make room for something else. Often when people want more, new, different or upgraded things, they believe they need to make space first, only to realize months or years later, they have simply accumulated more unwanted or useless material goods that are collecting dust and encumbering a room. The cycle continues, and another clean out is needed.

Space is most often perceived in the physical realm, but I believe there are other areas of life where clutter is held.

Uncover the Real You: 12 Ways to Take the Mask Off & Live Authentically

Photo credit: Stefano Montagner

Do you know who you really are, or do you hide behind a façade of selected masks and prescribed roles that have been handed to you by others? Do you reveal what is really important to you in the world, or simply shrink low when it is your turn to speak? Society regularly asks us to fit in and to follow the norms, but does it void your vibrancy and suppress your spirit? If so, you are not alone.

How Failure Fuels Your Future Success

Perhaps you’re familiar with the adage that “failure is the key to success.” There are countless stories of people who have been rejected, lost their fortunes, or were told they would not amount to anything, only to overcome the obstacles and find enormous accomplishment in the aftermath. So, if failure is part of the formula for success, why are people so afraid of getting busted?

Feed Your Soul: A Recipe for Creating a Fulfilling Life

Photo credit: Marta

Are you living a full, rich and meaningful life, or are you depriving yourself from the aliveness and joyfulness life has to offer you? Do you feel completely satiated and satisfied, or are you starving your soul?

The Life Coaching process assists people in creating a unique formula for their lives, based on visualizing what they want, identifying values, creating meaningful work and moving through limiting beliefs towards peace, harmony and vitality. When all of this is mixed together, a recipe for true fulfillment and success is created, not based on something you can attain or own, but rather something you can become… your true essence.

8 Ways to Tap Into Your Feminine Pink Power

Photo credit: Pam & Tom Holmes

The color of pink has a long history for many people. More recently, it has come to be associated with breast cancer awareness and the importance of compassion, courage and gratitude for life. But more than that, to me, the color pink represents the depth of the feminine senses and power of intuition.

A Woman’s Guide to Powerful Communication

Do you say what you mean and mean what you say? Do you feel like you are not only heard but also understood? In other words, do you get what you ask for? I often find that people, especially women, lack the skills to truly get their message across.

Sometimes it’s a self-worth issue. Women often don’t believe they deserve what they are asking for, so they hold back, falling short in conveying what they truly mean or making a full request.

Fall in Love… Every Day

Photo credit: Els

Falling in love, being in love, staying in love… the wondrous state of loving someone and being loved in return. This experience is one of the greatest desires for most humans…the exhilaration, good feelings, and ecstatic joys that come with love. Yet, how do you bring this romantic love into your life with another person at the exact moment in time and then keep it alive? In other words, how do you get love, sustain love and evolve love?

I believe attaining amorous love begins with you. You MUST love YOU first. Whether you are in a relationship, getting out of one, or desiring a new one, the first step is looking within and truly loving what you see and then sharing that beauty with another.